Pitch-Three Dice and You're Out!
Three Dice and You're Out is a board game that will appeal to
people of all ages. The primary demographic however of this version is 12 years
old and younger. The game combines the interest of baseball with the random
element of throwing dice while using subtraction skills. The game is simple and
quick which will keep the interest of the players, particularly the young ones.
The simple nature of the game also makes it easy to manufacture. The games can
be made into smaller versions as a travel game. Games can be brought to big
stores such as Toys R Us and Target to get interest. The game can also be
introduced at toy fairs as well sold on an online site.
Why Are We Making This
Baseball is
considered to be America's favorite past time. It appeals to a wide spectrum of
people and the basic rules are widely understood. The throw of the dice adds to
the random element, yet the player with the use of "side rolls" can
use strategy. Board games are good sources for fun. This teaches children to
focus, patience and good sportsmanship. It is also a good way to spend time
with family and friends. This particular game does all this while moving at a
quick pace keeping the player's interest. The rules of the game can be modified
easily according to the player's ability.
Walk Us Through the Game!
The players
begin the game by choosing their team and determining which player is the batter
and which is the fielder. At the same time each player throws a die. If the fielder throws the higher die the
batter is out. If the batter throws
the higher die the difference between the two die determines the base in which
the batter's piece is placed on the board. For instance, a 1 is equivalent to 1st base, a 2 is equivalent
to 2nd base, a 3 is
equivalent to 3rd base
and a 4 is a homerun. If the
difference is 5, the batter scores a homerun
and a single following the home run.
Any pieces that were already on base advance accordingly. If the fielder rolls a 6 and batter rolls a 1 than it’s a double play. Snake eyes is a triple play. All other doubles equal a foul ball. Three fouls per player in an
inning is an out. After three outs
the sides are switched. At any
time a player can call a side roll.
Normal play is suspended during side
roll. During side roll both
players roll the die, the player who gets the higher roll wins the side roll. If the batter called the side roll and rolls a higher die the batter is
able to steal base. However if the batter calls the side roll but loses
the roll the batter is out. If the fielder calls the side roll and is successful
(rolls higher die) than the fielder is able to pick off a runner (giving the batter an out). However if the
fielder is not successful and rolls the lower die the batter automatically
takes one base. Each of the batter's runners will advance accordingly. Each
player can only call side roll once per inning. After 9 innings player with
most runs is winner.
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